About the Journal

Focus and Scope

História e Cultura is a biannual electronic publication edited by the student body of  Postgraduate Program in History (PPGH) from Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP), situated at Franca, São Paulo state, Brazil. Bearing in mind the limited space that postgraduate students have to disclose their researches, História e Cultura presents itself as a medium for publishing original works, as well as academic discussion developed in the fields of History and similar subjects. Albeit supported by a Postgraduate Program whose studying field is homonymous to this publication, História e Cultura main proposal is not restricted to the students linked to the Program, as the publication main objective is to divulge works in national range.

Dedicated to the disclosure of postgraduate researches in several fields of knowledge, História e Cultura favours those that may be of interest to History field or that present a historiographic approach. This way, the publication intends to reach readers that comprise several level researchers: undergraduate, postgraduate, doctors and professors. The publication is arranged to grant a wide diversity of subject themes, as it admits the composition of dossiers as well as articles and book reviews.

Peer Review Process

The publication propositions will be previously analized regarding their suitability to the publication Focus and Scope and the dossier subject theme. Also, it will be observed the proper appliance of Author Guidelines.

Subsequently, texts will evaluated by peers ad hoc and/or by the Advisory Board that must have the minimum title of Ph.D. Every collaboration sent to the evaluator must respect the author(s) anonymity.

No text will be published before the author(s) send to the publication the Copyright Declaration of Unpublished Work dully filled (in texts with more than one author, it will be necessary that each of them send a separated Copyright Declaration of Unpublished Work).

The peer evaluation result will be notified to the authors through email by the editors.

Publication Frequency

História e Cultura, biannual publication, is expected to launch the first annual edition in March, the second in September, the launch of a third special edition in November may occur. It is expected that each edition is composed of the following sections:

Dossier: In every issue it will be published a thematic dossier. The dossier composition in scientific magazines is a major requiriment to the QUALIS/CAPES evaluation. The subject area of this section will be previously selected by the Advisory Board and will be disclosed in call for papers with maximum previous antecedence of its publication number. Texts of this section will be under the editorial protocol procedures and a Ph.D. (necessarily working in a Higher Education Institution) may be invited to publish a dossier opening text, e.g., an introductory text to the dossier subject theme or the transcription of a conference;

Articles (non-dossier) it will be published, under article structure, resulting works of original researches or bibliographical review, partially or fully completed. The submitted texts must not have been previously disclosed in any kind of publication, as well as in book chapters, published or in the printing press;

Book Reviews: it will be accepted reviews of published books about History or similar subjects within two (2) years, for those published in Brazil, and three (3) years for those published worldwide; 

Interview: it will be published opinions and/or declarations of professionals in the field of History or similar subjects about matters concerning historiographic discussions;

Translation: it will be published articles or book chapters edited in foreign languages (non-Portuguese) as long as the original text copyrights’ owner provides a written authorization.

Open Access Policy

This publication provides immediate open access to its content according to the principle of making research freely available to the public, suporting thus a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Dossier organizer guidelines

Dossier organizer guidelines to História e Cultura journal

A pdf version of these guidelines is available here

1. The Journal:

 História e Cultura (ISSN 2238-6270) accepts unpublished articles and book reviews of postgraduate students, Masters and Ph.Ds. of Brazilian and worldwide insitutions, written in Brazilian Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. On sending the proposal of publication, the responsible complies to transfer the copyright to the journal, as well as certifies that the material was not published anywhere.


2. Dossier Organizers:

From the beginning of the publication process, dossier organizers must assure the compliance with every item as follows:

 Every contribution is original and unpublished;

 The text files are in Microsoft Word .DOC or .DOCX;

 URLs are correctly informed and active;

 Text follows style patterns and bibliographic requirements;

 Every article contains the date of receipt and date of approval for publishing, located right after bibliography section.

 Dossiers must length from 8 up to 20 articles;

 Organizers are not authors nor coauthors of any articles in the dossier under their responsability. However, it is allowed authorship in interviews and translations.

Data and opinion emitted in the works, as well as the accuracy on bibliography are of full responsability of their respective authors.

The authors are responsible for grammar check, the adequate usage of the language and the translation of abstract, title and key-words.

The organizers, in cooperation with the journal editors, must define a deadline to material to be sent to the dossier. Once the date is established, it is essential the organizers be aware to the deadline, since a lack of pontuality will affect the disclosure of the issue and it will cause disturbances to the journal schedule.

Refusal of Contribution:

  Organizers must remit a position about the refused articles evaluation sent to the journal, which in turn it will report to their authors the refusal of their contribution;

  When an article of undoubted quality is refused due to the maximum number of works already composing the dossier or by theme similarities, the organizers may indicate it to be published by the journal in the Articles – Non-Dossier section.


3. Submission Guidelines:

Model: http://periodicos.franca.unesp.br/index.php/historiaecultura/article/download/741/725

Texts will legth from 15 up to 25 pages, 12 point font Times New Roman, 1,5 inches line spacing. Top and bottom margins: 2.0 cm; left and right: 3.0 cm. It must be accompanied by title and abstract in both languages, with a length between 5 and 10 lines, and 3 keywords in both languages. One of the languages must necessarily be the Portuguese, ie an Article in English, French or Spanish must be accompanied by a title and abstract in Portuguese.

Texts must be formatted in accordance to the following guidelines:

- TITLE followed by TITLE IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE*, centered, bold, 14 point font

- AUTHOR(S) NAME(S), right-aligned text, 12 point font with surname in uppercase. In footnote, a brief career information must be given according to the model:

TITLE – Postgraduate program – University Name - Location

Master’s degree in History – Ph.D. – Postgraduate Program designation -  University Name designaton, P.O. Box, City, State – Country. Scholarship (if any). Working/researching activities – Institution name. Email: email@email.com.

- ABSTRACT and KEYWORDS in original language, ABSTRACT and KEYWORDS*, 11 point font, Times New Roman, single line spacing;

- TEXT with left aligned subheadings, without number marks, italics;

- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, if there are any, in footnotes.

- Illustration (pictures, charts and graphs), when absolutely necessary, must be presented in the body text, numbered in arabic numerals, accompanied by its subtitle (in accordance with rules provided by ABNT [Brazilian Technical Standards Association]), in its final form. Illustration, including pictures, preferably should be in colour.

* If the original language is Brazilian Portuguese, the other language of title, abstract and keywords must be presented in English, French and Spanish. If the original text language is English, French or Spanish, the other version of the title, abstract and keywords must be presented in Brazilian Portuguese.


4. Quotations and References:

Direct quotation up to three lines in the body text, in quotation marks (without italics). Quotations with more than three lines must be highlighted: 4.0 cm indentation to the right, font size of 11 and single line spacing. For direct and indirect quotation it will be used the author-date system (CHIGAGO-ABNT). Example: (SURNAME, year, page X).

Explanatory notes, as long as they are indispensable and limited to the lesser possible number, must be at the end of the text. The journal does not publish bibliography. Bibliography must be present at the end of the work, in alphabetic order, in accordance with NBR 6023 rules as follows:

SURNAME, Name. Title of the book in italics: subtitle. Translation. Issue. City: Publisher, year, page.

SURNAME, Name. Title of the chapter of part of the book. In: Title of the book in italics: subtitle. Translation. Issue. City: Publisher, year, page.

SURNAME, Name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics, City, vol., fascicle, page x-y, year.

Every URL adresses in the text (i.e., http://www.unesp.br) must be active.

Sources of Support

We acknowledge the academic support of the Board of Post-graduate in History of FCHS - UNESP / Franca.

Full members:

Prof. Dr. Jean Marcel Carvalho França; Prof. Dr. José Adriano Fenerick; Prof. Dr. Ricardo Alexandre Ferreira; Profª Drª Susani Silveira Lemos França.

Surrogate member:

Profª Drª Márcia Pereira da Silva; Profª Drª Rita de Cássia Biason; Prof. Dr. Marcos Sorrilha Pinheiro; Profª Drª Margarida Maria de Carvalho.