Nation. People. Sovereignty. Identification. Logics of difference and equivalence.Abstract
This research focuses on the topic of constituent power and its relationship with the idea of people, mainly due to the fact that popular sovereignty has been the modern justification for the adoption of new constitutions. In this sense, we seek to answer the following problem-question: how can a solution be devised for the hypothesis of popular deficit in constituent power? To answer this question, this investigation worked with the concept of people from different views, such as its contestation from the arguments of Giorgio Agamben, as well as from the perspective of Sigmund Freud and Ernesto Laclau, to finally visualize the proposal of Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès of the Jury Constitutionnaire. In this sense, through theoretical research, essentially bibliographical, we conclude that the liberal theory of constituent power excludes the people from the legal organization of powers.
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